Monday 17 June 2024

World Against You

To Viewer's 

Do you ever feel like life, the world is against you?  You get a good in your life and that goes well for a few weeks and then something goes wrong and lose that good thing and, this happens to you all your life and then you finally get what you, always hope or wish or dream about anything about a dream job or a hobby anything that you been waiting for so long and you finally, get that dream that wish that hobby you are so happy and you do that few weeks and also doing another job on top of that, and just as you think everything is working out your dream, that you have been wanting for so long it failed.
You say to yourself you know this wasn't going to last cause everything in your life you get that makes you happy, it always never last and been taken away from you but really what you are feeling is like crap like the world is against you, but you put a happy face on for everyone just so they think you are over it or you are starting to feel better but really you aren't, but you just don't want others to know.
And on top of all that you are going through other things, so really you are going through few different things in your life and all you feel is upset and frustrated and ask yourself why, why can't you catch a break why is the world against me?
You got to the point where you have given up and after you have shown or chat about it to friends or other people, you get to the point where you just put on a happy face just so you don't show people how you really feel still and act like everything is ok.
You stop bothering to try to wish your dream job or your hobby or whatever it is cause, you are so sick and tried putting yourself out there and having it fail and shut down in front of your face. 
what's the point keeping putting yourself out there what you always wanted when you know, what's going to happened yeah friends, family and others will say never give up, keep your hopes up but really the people who is saying that stuff to you you're like they don't know what you are going through so really, they can't say anything until they have been through it their self. 

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