Thursday 29 August 2024

World Isn't Fair

To Viewer's 

People say the world isn't fair but what do they really mean by that, some people think that when they didn't get something that they wanted but someone earls got it in stand, yeah it is unfair and some people get upset or complain about how it's not fair that they didn't get that part of a play or that prize or that, they didn't get the gift they wanted whatever it is there are other's out in the world that are worst off, like job's some people work harder than other's and they are the ones that get let off. 

There are lots of things aren't fair in this world, the world is curl it's not perfect believe me I know I wish the world could be different but hay I can't change how the world is I wish I could most day's I think that but I'm only human after all.

People say things in their life and what happens is unfair yeah maybe there is. 

Stuff happens in people's life, so what some people have bigger problems that are unfair so many people think their life or other people's life is great or is unfair, what is unfair is that mum's carry a baby full term and give birth but yet few days later you get this message saying that sorry your baby didn't make it, now that is unfair and yet you see people complaining about the smallest's things not being fair or not going how they thought it was meant to go ect ect but hay, whenever you guy's think that look back to this moment this blog and have a think to yourself and ask yourself is my problem, really a big deal or am I overlooking it and then choose how big or how small it is.



World Isn't Fair

To Viewer's  People say the world isn't fair but what do they really mean by that, some people think that when they didn't get s...